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Single Device: Select a Single Device
Multiple Device: Select Multiple Devices
Account: All Devices
Division: All Devices within a Selected Division
Driver: Select a Single Driver
Multiple Drivers: Select Multiple Drivers
Account Ignition Overview – Shows any devices that have issues detecting the Ignition.
Activity Report – shows when devices change in between moving, stopped, and idling with durations and locations in each stage
Activity w/Hour Meter – shows when devices change in between moving, stopped, and idling with durations and locations in each stage and includes a running tally of engine run hours being accrued.
After Hours – based on a schedule you create (in Schedules section), this report will tell you when devices have been used outside of assigned schedule. It lists the device, starting and stopping address, miles driven, duration, idle time, and when the event occurred
Aggression – shows the event location, starting speed, event type (hard braking or rapid acceleration), and date/time
Battery Events – lists low vehicle battery events by device
Behavior – shows metrics for driving behavior. Within the date range selected lists each device’s overall score, mileage, duration, percentage of highway driving, percentage of city driving (upgraded speeding clients), idling score, idling percentage, overall speeding score, highway speeding score, city speeding score, (upgraded speeding clients), and aggression score. Gives option for what column you want to sort by and in which order (ascending or descending)
Behavior by Account – Gives the Behavior Scores for the entire account at once
Behavior by Category – Behavior Scores organized by Category
Calculated vs Reported Odometer – shows the GPS calculated odometer readings versus Odometer readings reported through vehicle ECM. Only applies devices connected to the vehicle ECM and programmed to look for mileage. Contact Support with questions.
Co-location – lists devices that have been at the same location as the selected vehicle within the date range selected. Lists the beginning and ending time of overlap, overlap duration, and percentage of the workday overlapped
Co-location on Date – lists devices that have been at the same location as the selected vehicle on the date selected. Lists the beginning and ending time of overlap, overlap duration, and percentage of the workday overlapped
Current Engine Hour Meter – Total Engine runtime for selected devices during chosen date range
Current Runtime – shows the most current total runtime for each device selected
Daily Timecard – for each day selected shows the first and last engine on/off and address, total daily miles, total daily drive time, total daily idling, total daily stopped time and total daily hours as well as the overall totals in each of those categories for the total date range selected.
Destinations – shows locations that were sent to drivers using the Destinations features sub-link in the Locations tab. Lists the Address, Note, Appointment time, Arrival time, and Created time
Device Categories – shows which devices are assigned to which categories by both the identification number and name
Device Current Location – List of Units with their current location, status and hour meter
Device Current Odometer & Hours – Device Details report that shows Device Name, IMEI, Current Odometer Current Engine Hours, and Last Reported At
Device Details – lists lists units by name, IMEI and Last Online along with the make, model, year, registration, renewal date, VIN, and Odometer
Device Diagnostics – Gives list of diagnostic codes detected through OBD II port within given date range. Only available for Plug-In Devices.
Device Exceptions – shows devices that have been offline: lists the device, when it was last online, online status, since report date, GPS Status, lost GPS time, and trip count
Device Runtime Daily – lists total daily runtime for each day in the date range selected
Device Runtime Summary – shows runtime accumulated in date range selected
Device Scorecard (2016) – for each device lists speeding, aggression, idling, and overall grades, as well as the number of speeding events in each category, number of hard breaking and rapid acceleration events, and idling percentage for the date range selected
Device Unplugged – lists devices that have been unplugged with the location, date and time. Applies only to the plug in device
Driver Behavior – Within the date range selected lists each driver’s overall score, mileage, duration, percentage of highway driving, percentage of city driving (upgraded speeding clients), idling score, idling percentage, overall speeding score, highway speeding score, city speeding score, (upgraded speeding clients), and aggression score. Gives option for what column you want to sort by and in which order (ascending or descending)
Driver Information – lists Drivers by category including their license number, phone number and renewal date
Driver Key Audit – (only applies to clients using driver key fob system) shows trips in which driver key fob was not used. Displays the trip starting and stopping address, duration, idle and trip mileage
Driver Scores (2016) – for each driver lists speeding, aggression, idling, and overall grades, as well as the number of speeding events in each category, number of hard breaking and rapid acceleration events, and idling percentage for the date range selected
Driver Scores Monthly (2016) – for each driver lists speeding, aggression, idling, and overall grades, as well as number of speeding events in each category, number of hard breaking and rapid acceleration events, and idling percentage for the month selected
Driver Scores Summary (2016) – for each driver lists speeding, aggression, idling, and overall grades, as well as number of speeding events in each category, number of hard breaking and rapid acceleration events, and idling percentage for the date range selected
Driver Stats – breaks down trip time against seatbelt usage, speeding and aggression events
Duration Outside Geofence – show the total amount of time spent outside of the Geofence for each device on each day in the date range selected.
Engine Hours on Date – Shows the runtime for specific devices on a specific date
Fleet Summary – shows total travel time, total miles, average travel time, average miles, total idle time, max speed, number of speeding events, total stop time, and stop count
Fuel Efficiency – lists the device, assigned driver, assigned vehicle profile (capacity, mpg low, mpg high), mileage, fuel purchase count, gallons purchased, cost per gallon, dollar amount purchased, and expected gallons low and high
Fuel Efficiency w/ MPG – lists the device, assigned driver, assigned vehicle profile (capacity, mpg low, mpg high), mileage, fuel purchase count, gallons purchased, dollar amount purchased, expected gallons, and mpg
Fuel Efficiency w/ Variance – lists the device, assigned driver, mileage, fuel purchase count, gallons purchased, gallons expected to be purchased (based on the assigned Profile), variance in gallons purchased vs expected, actual mpg, expected mpg (based on the assigned Vehicle Profile), and variance in actual mpg vs expected mpg
Fuel Lost Cost – Shows monetary cost of idle time using current fuel prices
Fuel Purchases – lists date, time, device, assigned driver, state, card #, dollar amount, cost per gallon, gallons purchased, and fuel type
Fuel Purchases Account – gives details for all Fuel purchases logged for the account within the given date range.
Fuel Purchases by Card (Wex Integration Only) – separated by card number, lists the device, assigned driver, date, time, odometer, non-fuel purchase amount, cost per gallon, gallons purchased, and dollar amount
Fuel Purchases by Device – lists the Fuel Purchases for each Device, allowing easy viewing of the fuel purchased for each vehicle
Fuel Purchases by Driver – lists the Fuel Purchases for each Driver, allowing easy viewing of fuel purchases by each employee
Fuel Purchase Device – a slightly less details breakdown of the full purchases by individual device
Fuel Purchases Drivers – detailed report of Fuel Purchases broken down by Driver.
Fuel Purchases with State Mileage (IFTA) – Report combines State Mileage date with Fuel Purchase information to help formulate IFTA reports.
Fuel Slippage – lists the device, device address, assigned driver, purchase address, card #, date, purchase time, device reading time, dollar amount purchased, gallons purchased, miles away from purchase address at time of purchase, and vehicle fuel capacity DISCLAIMER: Many fuel pumps are not set to the correct time and/or time zone, potentially skewing these results
Geofence – lists each individual geofence entry and exit, speed, and time/date
Geofence Activity – separated by date: lists the geofence, time entered and exited, address of entry and exit point, whether or not they were speeding, and the duration within the geofence. Can select all geofences or an individual geofence.
Geofence Duration – shows the amount of time each device spends inside each geofence
Geofence Events by Device – separated by device then by date, lists geofence enter and exit time and address, whether they were speeding inside geofence, and duration within
Geofence Speeding – shows any entries in which any devices selected exceeded the speed limit set for the geofence. Lists the geofence, device speed, and date/time.
Geofence Stops – shows geofence activity for one selected geofence. Lists the date/time, duration within, device, address, location, number, and division.
GPIO 1 – a readings report that shows whether or not the GPIO was activated when the reading was taken.
GPIO1 Avg Daily Speed – shows average daily vehicle speed, distance and duration while PTO is engaged.
GPIO1 Avg Speed – shows average trip vehicle speed, miles, and hours while PTO is engaged.
GPIO1 Distance Summary – shows the distance the every vehicle in the report has traveled within the given date range and graphs this visually. The graph is color-coded to indicate how many miles were traveled with and without the input engaged. Input monitoring options include PTO, cranes, buckets, etc. Lists the total miles traveled, total hours, mileage and hours while input engaged, average speed while input engage, mileage and hours when input not engaged
Idle Variance w/Categories – Breaks down Idle Variance and sorts by Categories.
Idles Inside Geofences – breaks down the individual idling events per geofence including overall total
Idling – lists individual idling event locations, duration, and date/time started
Idling by Device – separated by device, lists individual idling event locations, duration, and date/time started
Idling Summary – shows each device’s total collective idle time for the date range selected
Idling with Category – organized by Category, shows each driver’s individual idling events as well as device and Category totals
Idling with Coordinates – shows the latitude, longitude, duration, and start time of each idle event
Idling with GPIO 1 – for vehicles that utilize the PTO sensor, shows idle time in conjunction with the PTO being engaged (PTO Sensor 1)
Idling with GPIO 2 – for vehicles that utilize the PTO sensor, shows idle time in conjunction with the PTO being engaged (PTO Sensor 2)
Idling with Totals – separated by device and then date, show the location, duration, and start time of each idle event, as well as total collective idle for the date range selected
Idling with Variance – shows each device’s total distance, total trip (engine on) duration, total idle duration, and idling percentage
Ignition Stops – shows stops made when engine is turned off. Lists the location, stop duration, and start time
Jobs for Device (Dispatch clients) – shows jobs assigned to device selected. Lists the location (geofence), job name, reference number, ordered date, due date, scheduled (assigned) date, completed date/time, and promised time
Maintenance Task Summary – shows all tasks for all vehicles for the date range selected. List the device, description, created date, due date, and status
Maintenance Tasks with Notes – shows all tasks for all vehicles for the date range selected. Lists the device, description, created date, odometer, due date, status, notes, and checked items
Management Summary – shows per device averages of start time, stop time, total miles traveled, average miles per day, total duration traveled, average duration per day, total idle duration and average idling per day. Also shows collective device averages (for those selected) in each of these categories.
Media Events – shows a list of the Media Events that have occurred within the date range, showing Time & Date, whether or not the Event has been Reviewed (including any notes that were added) and the Event Type.
Miles Inside Geofences – separated by geofence, then by date and by device, shows the miles driven in each geofence in the date range selected
Monthly Behavior – shows metrics for driving behavior. Within the date range selected lists each device’s overall score, mileage, duration, percentage of highway driving, percentage of city driving (upgraded speeding clients), idling score, idling percentage, overall speeding score, highway speeding score, city speeding score, (upgraded speeding clients), and aggression score. Gives option for what column you want to sort by and in which order (ascending or descending)
Monthly Device Scores (2016) – shows an overall grade, mileage, speeding score, number of speeding events in each category, aggression grade, aggression events, and idling grade and percentage separated by month for the date range selected
Monthly Mileage – shows miles driven per device in each state for the selected time range. No total amount shown
Movement – separated by date: lists the first movement (engine on) and last movement (engine off) times and locations of each day and total daily hours
Movement w/Mileages – a list of trips with at least .1 miles of movement, excludes movement below that threshold.
Notifications – lists alerts for selected device when “report” option is selected for the alert in the Alerts section
Non Reporting Devices – lists units that have stopped reporting data
Odometer – lists the current odometer reading on devices selected
Odometer on Date – lists the odometer reading on the date selected
Offline Devices – Shows a list of all Devices currently offline (not reporting)
Per Road Mileages – shows the miles driven on each road with the state and start time
Per Road Mileages w/Transitions – shows the miles driven on each road with state, start time and individual trips
PTO – Details when, where and for how long the PTO has been engaged.
Readings – separated by device: every data capture listing location, speed, event type, and date/time
Readings with Coordinates – every date capture; lists the address, latitude, longitude, speed, event type, and date/time
Recent Sensor Readings – lists the sensor, unit of measure, minimum value, maximum value, average, last reading value average, last reading address, and last reading date/time
Road Speeds (upgrade) – separated by device, shows any device that has gone over the posted speed limit. Shows the device speed, number of miles over the speed limit, location and date/time of the event
Road Speed By Driver (upgrade) – separated by driver, shows any device that has gone over the posted speed limit. Shows the device speed, number of miles over the speed limit, location and date/time of the event
Road Speeds with Minimum (upgrade) – separated by device, shows any device that has gone over the posted speed limit by the mph specified. Lists the driver, device speed, posted speed limit, number of mph over the limit, location, and date/time
Road Speeds with Minimum by Driver (upgrade) – separate by driver, shows any device that has gone over the posted speed limit by the mph specified. Lists the device, device speed, posted speed limit, number of mph over the limit, location, and date/time
Road Speeds with Source (upgrade) – Shows whether the speeding violation was from the posted road speed or vehicle speed limit
Runtime on Date – lists total runtime on date selected
Sensor Readings – lists the sensor, reading, unit of measure, reading address, and date/time
Speeding – shows any device that has gone over the maximum speed limit set for the account. Lists the location, speed, and date/time of the event
State Mileage – separated by device, shows the miles driven in each state and the total device miles for the date range selected, as well as the total overall miles for all devices in all states in the date range selected
State Mileages w/Fuel Purchases – correlates Fuel Purchases with the State where the fuel was purchased, including Gallons per State, Toll Miles and Non Toll Miles, and Fuel Paid per State
State Mileage Monthly – Separate by month, shows the miles driven in each state for each device and the monthly total miles for each device, as well as the total monthly miles for all devices
State Mileage Summary – shows the collective total miles driven in each state for all devices selected
State Mileage with Toll Mileage – Shows mileage state-by-state while separating out the mileage accrued on toll roads
Stops – lists the location, duration, and start time of any non-movement event >3 minutes
Stops and Jobs (Dispatch clients) – shows all stops and which were assigned jobs
Stops by Device – separated by device, lists the location, duration, and start time of any non-movement event >3 minutes
Stops in Geofences – per device shows the collective time spent in each geofence entered within the date range and per device the collective time spent outside of any geofence
Stops with Category – stops organized by Category, then by device and driver
Stops with Coordinates – lists the address, latitude, longitude, stop duration, and start time of any non-movement event >3 minutes
Stops with Minimum Duration – lists only those stops that meet the minimum duration requirement you set
Stops with Totals – separated by device then by date, lists the individual stop durations, start times, and daily device stop totals, as well as device overall total stop time for the date range selected
Timecard – separated by date, shows all trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping addresses and times, trip durations, stop durations, and idle durations
Timecard Ascending Time – separated by date, shows all trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping addresses and times, trip durations, stop durations, and idle durations in order of occurrence from top to bottom
Timecard by Device – separated by date, shows all trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping addresses and times, trip durations, stop durations, and idle durations for multiple devices
Trips – separated by date and then by device, shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address and time, travel duration, and trip mileage. Also includes the collective total travel time, total distance, and total idle time for all devices in the date range selected
Trips and Idling – Each trip with the idle time accrued during the trip
Trips and Ignition Stops – shows (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping addresses and times, travel duration, stop duration, and idle duration for all trips in the date range selected
Trips and Stops – shows starting and stopping addresses and times, travel duration, stop duration, and idle duration for all trips in the date range selected.
Trips and Stops w/Sensor Temperatures – Shows the temperature at the beginning and ending of each trip, allowing for temp changes to be more easily seen.
Trips Ascending – separated by device, shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address and time, travel duration, and trip mileage in order of occurrence from top to bottom. Also includes the collective total travel time, total distance, and total idle time for all devices in the date range selected
Trips By Device – separated by device and then by date, shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address and time, travel duration, and trip mileage, as well as each device total travel time, total distance, and total idle time for the date range selected
Trip Details – Report details the readings for a specific trip, from Engine On to Engine Off
Trips with Category – trips organized by Category, then by device and driver
Trips with Coordinates – shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address, latitude, longitude, and time; mileage, travel duration, and idle.
Trips with Odometer – separated by device, shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address, time, and odometer reading; travel duration, mileage, and idle.
Trips with Totals – separated by device, shows each individual trip (engine on to engine off) starting and stopping address and time, mileage, max speed, average speed, travel time, and idle; each device’s total mileage, max speed, average speed, travel time, and idle for the date range selected; and overall totals in all categories for all devices selected.
Users – list of Users on account, with full name, contact info and last log-in
Utilization – for each device selected shows the total miles, travel duration, idle time, stopped time, percentage of time moving, days worked, total days in range selected, and percentage of days worked
Utilization by Schedule – shows device usage in context of their assigned Operating Schedule. This report requires an Operating schedule to be assigned to all devices selected
Vicinity – allows a User to enter a Date, Time and Address to see if any selected devices were in that location on that date and at that time.
Vicinity by Geofence – Shows all vehicles that visited a particular geofence within a certain date range
Visited Landmarks – shows the landmark (geofence), address, date, enter time, exit time, event type, and duration within landmark